Tuesday, November 15, 2005


There was a fire in a hut housing experimental chemical warfare. Everyone who was inside the structure was already afflicted. One man’s eyes were bubbling and drooping out of his sockets, dripping and sizzling onto his upraised fingers. One man was crawling on hands and knees, trying to get out of a liquid that burned away flesh and bone at the touch. A comrade wanted to help those stuck inside and began to run into the structure, unable to hear as his superior yelled at him to avoid the light. As soon as he made it to the entrance of the hut, gasses met his skin and he was already standing in sunlight. Immediately his skin darkened to a putrid black, began to monstrously swell, and as he lay in the entrance bloated and screaming, no one could do anything but watch in horror until he was a mass of blackened dead flesh. And the screams of those trapped inside continued to wail. The men outside the hut could do nothing but listen under the hot desert sun.

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