Saturday, April 1, 2006


A very long and winding dream cut short to the part that bothered me:

I was running through the streets of a city; no, I do not know which one, but it reminded me of Phoenix with all of the concrete and streets. There was a mob of people chasing me, all armed with guns, all firing at me. And as I frantically run through the streets to get away, a bullet would find it’s mark here or there; my shoulder, my leg. Harsh breath screaming past my throat as I continue to run, slowing because of the pain, tasting the acrid bite of blood in my mouth. And as I round a corner seeking sanctuary, I run into Perish.

He catches me before I stumble, sees blood on my lips, looks behind me to the approaching wave of people. Taking off his shirt, he wipes the blood from my mouth, tells me everything will be okay, and gently pushes me into a dark corner of the alley. He steps out to address the mob. And as he opens his mouth to speak, they open fire.

Flesh and blood are torn from his body as bullets riddle his torso. Before my very eyes, I watch his life ripped from his body, his carcass making a sickening sound as it hits the ground; his dead eyes staring at my from a quickly forming pool of blood.

And I run.

And I am quickly overtaken. Similar to Perish, the bullets destroy my flesh; release my soul. And as I look down upon my chilled body, the masses of people gone, my husband finds me. And lets out a God-awful wail.

And I wake up.

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