Thursday, February 28, 2008


So there's an intern at my office. He's a fun guy. Like him. And then I go and have this dream:
He saunters into my office wearing nothing but a pair of tight white slacks. His abs & chest are incredibly ripped, and he's glistening. His hair waves in an unfelt breeze, and there's a glint in his eyes. The dream shifts, and we're fucking in my office. The dream shifts again, and we're fucking in the hallway. Shifts: we're fucking in the corner of another office. Shifts: fucking in the front lobby. So on and so on and so on.

it wasn't one of those dreams where you could feel, smell, or experience. It was just like I was watching TV. BUT to go into the office and have to work with him all day? Now that was funny. I think I was smirking all day.



Ballisticpenguin said...

damn! i gotta start working out! ;)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean!

Mys Britt